Awesome…I am so excited that you are interested in learning more about me (unless you clicked this link by mistake)!
This is me. Stacy Galiczynski (formerly known as Stacy Michael…much easier, huh?)
I am a professional freelance writer with specialized marketing experience and hundreds of published works. I have written for many local companies in northwestern Pennsylvania, international businesses, magazines, newspapers, non-profit organizations, churches, past employers, and countless online businesses. I am also an active fundraiser and have spearheaded numerous events and campaigns for causes I am passionate about.
With a degree in Family and Child Development, I have worked as a family therapist, adolescent counselor, and mobile crisis interventionist. I left the social work field in 2001 to further pursue my writing career when my first daughter was born. My husband, Mark, and I then added two more children to our nuthouse, which has given me a lifetime of topics to write about—the good, the bad, the ugly, and the downright scary!
I have been a working mom, stay-at-home mom, and now a work-from-home mom. I know the difficulties and struggles that every parent faces while trying to raise a family. Based on my educational and personal experience, I try to bring a new light to parenting writing that has built a large fan base due to my honest and “telling it like it is” version of what raising a child is really like!