What do you normally post on your Facebook page? Are you one of those who are always posting about how great your life is and you couldn’t ask for a better job or more perfect kids? If so…STOP! Even if it’s true, we don’t always want to hear about what you are making for supper, how well your children are getting along right now as they play a quiet board game together, or that you just baked 25 dozen cookies together as a family.
I’m sure that you have a great life and that you’re proud of it—as you should be, but it makes other parents feel like their family sucks because their kids hate each other, their marriage sucks because they just got into a huge fight with their spouse, and their cooking sucks because supper is burning in the oven!
We’re all happy for you that you have your crap together, but for those of us who don’t or are just too busy to post when we actually do have a great day, save the perfectness for a private email to your immediate family 🙂
You’ll be doing all of the mediocre parents a huge favor!
What are You Thinking? Comment Below!