Now that school is back in session, I always like to address the issue of bullying with both children and their parents. As parents, we know that our kids are going to have difficulties with peers at times, but sometimes, situations escalate and your child ends up being continually threatened. It is also a sad fact that this type of behavior can carry on throughout our entire life. As an adult, you may face bullying at work, with other children’s parents, and sometimes even within your own family.
Regardless of the nature and who it is with, we need to be aware of what constitutes bullying in order to stop it. Bullying is defined as the use of force or coercion to abuse or intimidate others—mentally and/or physically. This includes verbal harassment, deliberately humiliating someone, and/or causing bodily harm to another.
If you suspect that your child is being bullied, take action by encouraging her to avoid areas where bullies prey and also encourage her to find a supportive friend (there is safety in numbers) and finally, notify a trusted adult in your child’s life that he can turn to and possibly help end the bullying. If all else fails, notify law enforcement if the situation becomes life-threatening.
On the flip side, keep in mind that your child may be the one doing the bullying—or maybe even you—and you just never realized it. If you know that your child is teasing or harassing others, put a stop to it now. Encourage them to treat everyone equally by doing so yourself—they learn the majority of their behaviors by watching how you treat others.
Unfortunately, there will always be fighting and name-calling, but you don’t have to be a part of it. Choose to be a positive role model for generations to come by being the bigger person who always walks away from conflict.
Too bad we do not have much against bullying prevention
The worst bullying that my son ever experienced was from one of his grade six teachers. I still tremble when I think of how she treated him.
The problem in this society is that there is still Directorates, Agencies, Order or the Trustee that PROTECTS ACCUSED … ALWAYS depends on the VICTIMS!
Then they will try to make us to believe they are right, that followed were made and that the problems are fixed … until the next event!
You really have to be disconnected from reality to want PROTECT ACCUSED … or just STUPID!
When you act this way, do you realize that you become Guilty by association … FINAL POINT?
Where is the JUSTICE?
Thank you very much 🙂
I love this article =)
Unfortunately bullying is far from a chapter in our history. Bullying still exists, but it is not always easy to know if your child is being bullied.